

It is a world of wonder. Whether that wonder stems from good events or bad, we are always filled with wonder, and, this is what inspires us on a daily basis...

The fires raging along California's coast line; such tragedy, and, now they are probing to see if they are arson related. My friend asked me why someone would do such a thing, as if I know, but, I don't. All I can assume is that if someone did such a thing, they are miserable and want those around them to be miserable too...

Each year there is mass destruction due to wildfires. I am sure that there are no solutions as, how can one plan for something such as this, however, you would think, that there would stem some newer and more effective technology to fight such fires, and, that in itself would save billions of dollars, though the new technology would be expensive at the on-set, if it saved lives, property, and, time, wouldn't that balance the costs? Just me thinking again...

And the beat goes on, on, on, on and on....

When we are faced with such natural or unnatural disasters, the whole country pays for it, in many ways. Food costs, shipping, building materials, and, a wide scope of other products are raised in price to make up for the damage and loss. It is a vicious cycle, which we are not likely to ever see the end of. Still, with some applied common sense and preventative planning, it would seem that, as intelligent and resourceful as we are, that we could resource some of the burden from such disasters...

To those in CA, of which I know some well, God be with you. Stay upwind and be careful. I will be praying for you and yours and those who have been hit the hardest. The nation comes as one in times such as this, and, I am sure that millions of voices have been raised to the Heavens on your behalf. Take care and blessings...



Do we think or act with responsible consciousness when it comes to caring for the Earth, the mother of mankind's birth?

Did you know that ordinary shower gel takes four years to disintegrate, and, while it is going through that process it changes elements which come into contact with it? Who knew?

Partly, we are ignorant. We trust developers of products and manufactures way too much. We figure that if they sell something that it should be alright to use. That, sadly, is not the case. Could we demand that more responsibility be placed on these who make and develop products? We could, but, it would take a hell of a lot of legislation to make it happen, which means tons of pressure from the citizens of the world....

Partly, we are complacent in our worries about the Earth. We do not place much concern in our daily lives of our responsibility in caring for the Earth. We do not take our complacency as a serious matter, and, we do not seem to care to know what we can do to make sure life prevails as ecologically balanced as feasible.

Partly, we feel helpless. We are lost when we do stop to consider all of the damage done by mankind. We feel that there is not much we can to do to correct the existing problems. We are lost in the magnitude of the damage done over time...

It begins with one. It does not matter if you are educated or not, if you are powerful or not, if you are connected or not, if you are resourced or not... It takes one to make change. With one there is the element of example. There is the resonating of a thought process being enacted. With one there is a rumble being heard. With one there is the idea that it will continue gaining momentum as that singular action becomes noticed by others...

Yes, correcting or contribution to the ecological environment of the Earth begins with one: will it be you???



You know I am fascinated with the world, but, I have to tell you, I am tired of the news of modern times. It is just too much negative for me to handle. There are so many people going berserk and some of them are just way too young to be experiencing this kind of demise...

Like the young Deputy in WI who killed his ex-girlfriend and her friends. Lord, he is only 20 years old... I know that life is tough, I have had one of the toughest life's ever known, but, you can survive all of the pain, you can arise above the terribleness, you can overcome the worst of life; I am living proof...

I wish that I could reach these kinds of people before they make such huge mistakes, before they lose themselves to despair. It bothers me for it is unlikely that I could ever reach such people, and, if I could they might see that life can be revised; all you have to do is to forget that which brings you down and move on...

I have a friend whose brother committed suicide over his wife. I cannot tell you how that tore my friend apart. It is selfishness when people take the easy way out and they never consider those left behind to bear the weight of their weakness...

I am a very positive person. I taught myself this trait. It is not easy to do, but, it is necessary, otherwise, it is too easy to get lost in the negativity of life, and, that can lead to many kinds of demise...

Sad that we have to listen to and watch as so many people have lost hope or strength to arise from their predicaments. So very sad...



No matter where we go, no matter what we do, are we ever safe?

Has the world gone mad from all the ecological imbalance?

Has history ever known so many types of demise?

We have to be careful at home, when we leave our home, on the Computer, even with our mail... We have predators, cons, users, abusers, thieves, murders, rapists, stalkers, and we have hackers. None of the above really deserve the object of discussion other than in sheer frustration, especially hackers...

Hackers are like, extremely disturbing creatures. For one thing, they are invisible behind the matrix, and, can mask like no other predator on the Earth can do. While they are not invincible, they are the toughest of the tough to deter, if you can even detect them before it is too late. They are without doubt, unscrupulous, dastardly perpetrators...

We have enough in our lives to worry about, do we really need to have such as them to worry about as well? If there are so many 'puter geniuses in the world, why can't some of them come up with a way to prevent hackers from infiltrating lives and businesses? It would seem that perhaps some of them are the very people who are ever improving our systems... Think about it; it would only make sense that they are programmers, designers, IT experts, and other such. It seems incredibly unlikely that they would just be regular people who are so skilled that they can play cat and mouse with the most gifted of Computer specialists, doesn't it?

I don't have any answers but, I sure hope that some genius out there has enough compassion for the people who use the World Web to do something about it...



Autumn... Beautiful and different from the spring and summer, leading us to winter. Ah, winter, you are not my favorite, but, I can relate to your necessity of refreshing the Earths bed, that soil and plants might flourish quickly upon your slow departure...

So far, it has been a beautiful fall. The weather is almost perfect, and, it is above normal temps for this time of year, with plenty of sunshine for us to enjoy. The nights have been cool, but, starlit, and, the trees are taking their time changing their colors before they bare themselves to the harshness of winter... Ah, winter, with its winds so cold and brisk, I do not understand why you insist that the trees be bare in your presence...

Fields dry of their abundance, a golden scene from the e-way, pumpkin patches, gourds, hay bales and stalks, all gracing the otherwise drabness which was just a few weeks ago green with life...

Halloween lurks in the minds of many as they plan their scary day and night. Much ado for one night of ghouls and creepy objects, which entice the very young to the very old. Parties, costumes, bagging, and, lots of goodies take the place of playing outside until the sun sets, which was close to 10 and is now close to 8...

Apples, apple pies, apple cider, apple mills, caramelised apples, and, apple bobbing all make for healthy and tasty treats as we trade in the fresh produce of summers fare. Throughout America, you will smell the scent of apples being made into many different things, and, being canned for the winter months, which takes from us the plenty of the summer days...

Football, hockey, and the World Series will be the weekends star. Families will root for their team, be it a school team or a professional team, it is all part of the autumn lifestyle, which replaces the boating, fishing, camping, beaching, Frisbee, and, other fun sports of the summer, which doesn't last long enough...

Autumn... I see now that I have recalled each of the things which make up this season (Oops, I forgot Thanksgiving), that it is a season full of fun and activity, and, that while it is not warm season enjoyment, it might be even better, for it is a season of wholesomeness and that is always a welcomed and blessed thing...



"Out of sight, out of mind". This is one of the most perplexing human traits I have stumbled upon, and, I really don't get it....

People can tell you how much they like you, love you, admire you, and, if you are not around for a while, they have forgotten about you, or they place you on the back burner and act like strangers when you talk with them or see them again.... What is up with this?

I could never treat people like this. Of course there are those who have gone away for some time who were not so great to know in the first place, whom I would be less than warm with if I saw them, but, I am talking about people who made an impression or touched us. How could we not be the same with them as before?

I just don't get it. I have witnessed it all too much, either personally or in observation, and, it is confusing. I have asked people, "I thought you liked that person?" They will say, "Oh I do, but, they haven't been around in a while, and, well, you know how it is..." Actually, no, I do not know how it is, please, someone explain it to me. If I care about someone, I care about them always, unless they have created a problem, and, even then, I still care about them. Might not hang out with them but surely will yet care...

I hope one day I find the answer to this question as it really bugs me...



Are we ready for some football? Here we are 4Th week into a new season of the NFL~ Do you know where your spouse is? Ha!

I love football, and, watch a fair amount of it, but, guys, well, they are glued to the set. You could start a fire, dance through it nekked and they wouldn't notice you at all, unless it affected their direct alignment with the screen. It is hilarious how into it they get.

Millions of women call themselves Football Widows; actually they should call themselves Sports Widows as, soon it will be Hockey, Basketball, and, whatever other sports they can fit in the weekend. But, that is fine, for, you know where to find them all season long, right?

Football should be a family affair to an extent, but, I can relate to why women don't want to sit in the same room with their men when a game is on, as, it is like you are either not there, or, you are intruding on some sacred ground woman... So, if you feel less than welcome, there are lots of ways to get lost. Of course, that would mean that he wouldn't be able to smell that wonderful aroma of Sunday dinner coming out of the kitchen, so, chances are, he will want you to be home, just in another area of the house... Ha!

If you have a large house, you could invite all the women in the 'hood over for the afternoon, but, if you don't have a big enough house to drown out your feminine voices or laughter, he will balk at this as well... Oh, and for sure, make sure the children are occupied, unless they are male and of a certain age to where they can 'get' into the game in a proper manner...No wonder so many women hate sports; it isn't the game itself, but, the ridiculous stipulations that come from the man of the house when sports are on... Whats a girl to do?



There are so many starving animals in the world, and, right outside my door, there are lots of precious kitty cats who were abandoned and left to survive, here in the city...

I give them food as often as possible, but, the neighbors are angry with me for doing so. I can't stand to see them with their bones showing and their bodies dragging along, it breaks my heart.

They have it set up in this city that if you call about removing them, it costs you money, plus, they meet a nasty fate, of which I am not going to play party to.

I used to know someone who had a pet shop, and, all of the exotic animals and reptiles which were not bought, would be released to live in the wild. Things like alligators and such would be taken to the river and left to fend for themselves in an environment of which they have no knowledge of. This is craziness...

Why people take on pets which they cannot care for, or decide not to care for pisses me off. They are left to fend for themselves in areas where it is not easy for them to do so. Sad...

There has to be some way to stop this madness. There has to be some resolution besides letting them die or putting them down. It is just so heart wrenching. They are basically helpless, especially when they have been domesticated, for even the shortest time. We are caretakers of the Earth and of all its inhabitants, so why have we allowed such to happen?



Michael Vick just continues to blow himself away.... Now he has been proven positive for cocaine in his system by the NFL, wonder how much worse he can make it for himself?

Will this affect his criminal trial? It will won't it? They dig into every aspect of your life, especially when they want you to go down for some time. What was he thinking?

He makes this sincere apology to all the youth who look up to him, he admits that he needs to grow up, and, less than a month later, he tests positive for cocaine usage.... Interesting development.

Suicide attempts, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, and much worse coming from the icons of America. Sends a great message throughout the world, think?



And so the little big man (Ahmadinejad) came and spoke at the prestigious University of Columbia, amidst protests outside the University, as well as near the UN, and disdain from our own National leaders.

And he lied. Outright lied to these prestigious youth of Columbia University. Especially when he said that there are no gays in his country, and, that the women of his country have more rights than the women of America.

I have studied some of his country's information. It is a country rampant with heroin addiction, HIV, gays, and prostitutes. I did some research for one of my earlier blogs, and, read reports filed by a husband and wife team of Doctors in Iran who are fighting the above inflictions in their society, sometimes for free. So, it seems that he is trying to play the same kind of games as Saddam with his my country is pure crap.

Many men and women of position throughout America were appalled that he was allowed to speak at the U of Columbia, and, that he was given attention by the UN. It is amazing to most of us. What is interesting is that he would not grant the same respects to most of us.

He looked a bit nervous and contrite, I would say, and, that is good, as it means that he felt the intense disdain which most of us feel for him and his practices...

Oh yeah, someone told me that he has been murdering anyone who is gay in his country, and, that is perhaps why he has the balls to stand there and say there are no gays in his ranks... Ha! The little big guy with the power to lie...


So, the Iranian President Ahmadinejad is coming to America? A speaking engagement at the University of Columbia, eh? Interesting...
I understand that he wanted to visit Ground Zero while in NYC but they refused him the right to do so; that is also very interesting, indeed...

Iran's anti-Israel leader has declared that he has no need for nuclear weapons? That is extremely interesting. That could signal that Russia has agreed to cover them if need be in the event of a war... It could signal many things, but, I would be inclined to think that Russia has a hand in this, as they have a hand in everything these days; the country who is racing to become the Supreme State of all States...

Ahmadinejad, Putin, and Chavez, as well as the North Korean leaders, and, perhaps, even Germany, China, and, Lord knows who else are conspiring. That is my gut feeling and reaction to their recent dealings.

The three alone are a danger to life as we know it; each are diabolical and Putin is extremely regarded for his ability to get the job done. He has brought great advances to the Russian State by selling and buying, wheeling and dealing with our known adversaries. It is frightening, and, it should be alarming to the Western World as well...

Russia is setting up a weapons factory in Venezuela for Chavez. This weapons factory will manufacture and supply all communist countries with the Russian AK-103 assault rifles. The decision to do so came after the U. S. put a ban on selling weapons Caracas, stating that Chavez is not cooperative in combating terrorism.

Also, interesting to note, Iran is operating oil refineries in Venezuela. So, you see, there has been some great preliminary meditation going into the efforts to strengthen the bonds between Russia and our adversaries...

Ah well, what can we do? We sit here and ponder, muse, and, fret, but, what can we do? If it were in our hands, there would not be such dealings happening, think? All we can do is hope that our leaders are less greedy and more astute than they appear... If not, we are in big trouble not far down the line, which we had plenty of time to resolve, but, did not...



So, OJ Simpson has finally been corralled? Or has he? Do you think that because the memorabilia agent recorded everything, that there will be some kind of legal loophole here?

Personally, I believe that the Feds themselves arranged the whole thing. I think that they wanted him off the streets so badly that they set him up big time. Which worked, but, it is kind of scary too...

I don't know what to make of Simpson. He seems a bit mental to me. He has been acting out some very strange roles since he allegedly killed his wife and Ron Goldman. Such things as dealing drugs, stolen goods, and, many other things which he has almost been busted for, but, managed to remain clear of....

He seems bent on being in the spotlight, he seems bent on being the bad guy; like he is getting a thrill out of it or something. I honestly believe that he has mental illness and that after his wife's murder it came into full light.

I find it difficult to understand why older people throw their lives to the wind with careless, reckless lifestyles which get them nothing but time in the worst sense... You know that someone in prison is going to attempt to do him in, don't you? He probably thinks that he will be a hero in the joint, and, he will be for some, but, there will be someone who wants to take him down, and, that could very well be a set-up as well...

He has gotten away with more than most people could, which indicates that he is well connected, but, those days are soon to be gone. He will spend the rest of his life behind bars bragging about his 'days' as the icon... It is a shame, but, I wonder if he is finally getting what he deserves? I have never formed an opinion of his guilt or innocence in the murder of his wife and Ron Goldman because I find it hard to believe that someone could commit such gruesome acts and then function in the real world, however, given his actions in past few years, I have to admit that his mentality is telling the whole story....



I am so busy this week, that I feel like this, which is in effect the g-force of moving too fast... Ha! This pic just cracks me up. The things we do when we are bored, or thinking too much! I know I have done some things which were like, totally off the wall, but, I guess that they are good for the spirit like anything else... I hope he doesn't do this often, as it will permanently stretch that delicate skin...

Whatever it takes to make it through the trying days, I say... We need to always remember to relax, take it easy, take a load off, meditate, laugh, and, enjoy, even when it seems that life is moving at a rate of impossible speed. In doing so, we allow the system to find a level of balance, which more than serves us in the long haul...

Remember when you were young, and, everyone tried to fold their eyelids inside out, or you tried desperately to touch the tip of your nose with your tongue, or tied your shoes together to see how far you could walk like that? These were all distractions, they were funny, light, and, helped to alleviate boredom, routine, and, challenges. If we could still find that kind of child's play in our every day lives, we would be better for the wear.

Some of us have friends who are yet children, who yet do goofy stuff which make us laugh and lighten up. I am one of the those kind of goofy people, especially in serious settings, I just can't help myself, I am serious, I cannot help myself, there is something about the over seriousness which just makes me want to act up, and, it has never changed, and, perhaps, never will...

Well, I am off to relax and unwind. I hope that tomorrow is one of fun and sun... All too soon, it will be cold and dreary, and, I am not looking forward to that at all...



I am fascinated by space. I missed my calling, should have been an astronomer, an archaeologist, and, a meteorologist... Ha!

This photo is of clusters colliding in deep space. The blue represents dark matter, which shows how clusters distort light from more distant galaxies.

The red represents very hot gases, a form of normal matter. Theory holds that dark matter and normal matter attracts the same gravitationally, and, so should be distributed evenly.

Individual galaxies are represented by yellowish or white lights. In this particular shot it is unsettling to the astronomers studying this, that there appears to be few visible galaxies present where the dark matter exists. This could be that the galaxies themselves are experiencing gravitational slingshots within themselves, or, it could be that the dark matter is colliding within itself without gravitational pull which has never been witnessed before.

See, how interesting is the study of such? It amazes me that we can pinpoint galaxies, stars, clusters, collisions, gases, matter, stars, and much more, combined with mathematical brilliance we are able to determine many things such as distance, temperatures, gas makeup, velocity, speed, sound, and, other things which are just phenomenally improbable to common man. So fascinating, so interesting, and, certainly so beautiful is the study of space and its inner workings...



Our planet Earth has undergone some radical changes over the past 5 years, and, according to scientists, this is normal, still, many of the changes are really not normal. The amount of earthquakes throughout the world is one such abnormality, and, I still believe that the amount of bombings due to war and for testing purposes has a hand in this. How could it not? How many bombs can you explode in the sea and on land without there be reverberations? It is only logical, and, with the massive bombings of the past years in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is likely to be damage to the Earth, from deep within...

Since North Korea tested their bombs in the ocean, we have had tsunamis and tremors in many parts of the world. The ocean is not designed to withstand such madness as bombs. Our own military uses the ocean for many types of testing, and, all in all, this affects the very life in the sea, and, the seas bed...

What the answer might be is simple to people like me; don't detonate any more bombs. Of course, they will always do what they feel is necessary without considering what could be creating ecological disaster....

It is a shame that we feel the need to have weapons of mass destruction. That seems against the very purpose of life itself, yet, those in power will argue that if they don't do it, some other country will. What if it were deemed illegal for ALL countries to have weapons of mass destruction? What would happen? Would we be any less safe, or would we ultimately, including the Earth itself, be safer? I think that we would be safer, for if there were no weapons of mass destruction, there would not be such power games or gains.

What we need is a World Order. An Order which respects first, the Earth and its helpless inhabitants, and, secondly, the very basis and continuance of life for all humans...

Massive amounts of bombings affect the Earths very balance, as well as the air, the soil, and, the waters. You can only explode so many bombs before their aftermath aggravates the rhythm of life itself...

I am aware that those in power do not care what damage they are creating, and, that they will adamantly deny any responsibility in such, but, they need to come to some understanding of the short and long term affects of bombing, be it for testing or for defense itself. I know, I am dreaming, at best being wishful, but, if the World as a whole demanded that such practices cease, perhaps they would have to desist...

Perhaps the voice of the World, unified, might make a difference in the politics of tomorrow; it would certainly be worth consideration, as, if we continue to practice such, there might not be much of a tomorrow...



As we walk through our time on Earth, there is much to see, hear, feel, experience, and, to do. We are not just here for the time being, we are here to leave our footprints upon the sands of life. We are here to leave a legacy, regardless of the level of impact it seems that we have made...

It should be taught from early on that we should develop that we can leave a legacy of merit and substance. Without knowing about such, by the time we catch on, our legacy could lack or it might be incomplete. That is not to say that we should live to leave a legacy, it is to say that we should live in such a way that our legacy is memorable, one of information and wisdom that someone else might learn or pattern their life after ours. We should be an example for others to see. We should have some special substance for others to remark upon after we are gone...

It took me years to realize that reputation is imperative to life. You cannot go through life with a bad reputation and expect to make it. Well, there are those who make it with a tainted reputation, but, they are not making it the way they could be... Notice I did not say should be; that is not for anyone else to decide; it is an individual choice, I merely mention this as some of the ones who live through their time with bad reputations have so much more to offer the world, and, they have neglected to see that someone might have benefited from the good side of them. Though still, someone might benefit from their bad selves in deciding that this is not the way to go...

My life began on a bad track. It was my birth right. I followed that track for a while until I saw that it was not productive, nor was it the kind of heritage that I deserved, or wanted. I changed my path real quick, learning love of self and love of the world. Since that time I have made it my mission to spread the knowledge learned along the many avenues of the streets from whence I came, and, to spread the love of God, myself, and, the love of love itself...

Life in the streets is many, many things, but, healthy is not one of them. There are so many dark elements out there on the streets, and, having been a child of the streets was not a good thing. Or was it? Did I not learn from the darkness? Did I not learn from the coldness, the boldness, the outright wickedness? Did I not learn the meaning of love from lack of it? Did I not understand that this was not what life was intended to be? Did I not find that the practices of street life are demeaning and damaging to the body, mind, and soul? Did I not arise with vision, purpose, integrity, respect, and, love to walk in the way of the righteous? Did I not learn to fore go prejudice and bias because of my lessons out there? Did I not grow into a fully functioning, responsible and caring, compassionate woman?

Yes, to all of the above. But, I was fortunate to be able to see through the darkness, I was given the vision of the light. No one saved me, God and myself saved me. Anyone else could have cared less if I lived there forever, and, that is fine, for that is how it was, but, not how it is now...

Remember, all you do in life is part of your legacy. It is important that you care what kind of message you wish to leave those who will notice that you are no longer of this life on Earth. Be aware of all that you give, and, take not of those who do not wish to give or share...



I have always prided myself on being well organized. That seems to be a forgotten trait these days. I am so disorganized with almost everything in my life. While my house is kept clean, the rest of my life is in utter chaos. Now, I am sure that everyone experiences this at times, but, it is hurting my brain...

I have lost track of so many URLs pertaining to opportunities, affiliate programs, information, and, even of contacts; yes, I have let it get that far behind. I can barely keep up with my inbox, it is so overloaded, and, it is a timely endeavor to sort and save. I know that there are ways to have this done for you, but, honestly, I can't find much time for that either...

I have ongoing business plans, they are in 3 areas of my home, that if I need to jot something down or refresh my mind, they are there. This causes some disorientation as well; why do I have this scattered here and there?

How do we handle and organize all of our passwords and such? It is phenomenal how many we acquire quickly, day by day, week by week, month by month, and, with everything else we have going on, it is easy to ignore keeping it in order...

What about all the communities and such that we belong to? Do we really have time to participate in all the ones we join? Not me, and, I am going to rectify that this weekend, if I can remember through all the clutter of my mind from overload... Ha!

So, I guess it is high time that I get back into some normalcy around here, get all of my information filed properly, that the mess not soak up my creative juices any longer... Anyone know what I am talking about here???



What is important to you? Over all, what is the most important thing in life to you?

If someone had asked me that a while ago, I would have had to search for an answer, because I would have had multiple answers, but, now, it comes down to this; love and health...

Without love, I am nothing; I am not speaking of romantic love, I am speaking of
internal/external/eternal love. Without my health, I cannot do that which I love to do and that involves love; love of the world.

Most of my goals are love inspired and oriented. Love is my driving force, my motivation, and, my light in the dark.

With my health, I can better achieve that which I desire to do. That is not to say that in failing health I could not, but, it would for sure, be much more of a challenge.

Sometimes we have no choice in matters of health. Something can creep up out of nowhere, no matter how fit or healthy you are, so, I know for sure that health is paramount to achieving most things. Of course, with the challenge of ill-health or a health related disability, we are often able to overcome and rise to the occasion as well, still, all in all, we would Rather have good health along the way...

Life is so short that we must concentrate on the things which are most important to us, while we can, that there be no regrets, and, that we live up to our full potential...



The world. A world of beauty. A world of problems. A world of people. A world of dissension. A world of complacency. A world of shutting out the harsh realities which live before us....

World war, world hunger, world homelessness, world plagues, world diseases, world hatred, world jealousy, world of one, world of worry...

Are we not taught that the world is our responsibility in every facet of caring for it? That includes from the dirt to the ozone layer protecting this Earth, and, everything in between.

Have people become so self-inclined that complacency rules the world supreme? Or is it lack of belief that something might be done if we made an accumulated effort?

It is not just the air, the water, the land, the trees, the birds, the fish, the insects, the animals, or the other components to life sustained, it is everything! Everything in this world needs care. Care, lots of care.

It can begin with one, many things before have.... Please, do your part and take up some cause concerning the world, contribute to the care of the world, else soon, there might not be a world at all...



I hope everyone had a great Holiday weekend, and, that everyone is ready to get back into the groove. Hard as it is, this is the time of the year to get into all we have to do...

I had a great weekend. Had lots of fun! I went to a festival where they have over 500 bands spanning over the weekend. There are arts from around the world, crafts, boutiques, business booths, jewelry craftsmen, and much more. Food, oh my, so much food. It is quite the celebration.

I heard some great bands. One in particular was a band called The Surrogate Band. They play ALL Pink Floyd music, and, they were very, very good. Such difficult music to reproduce, yet, they did it with such precision, I was amazed. They were just young men, and, wow!, they captured the essence of the Floyd with remarkable ease...

There was another interesting band called the MacPodz. Now, these guys were hot. They played like jazz with a disco, reggae, and, electronic edge; they were phenomenal. I loved them~ Such energy, and again, precision... Excellent~

I went out Saturday night and heard a band which was very good also. Had lots of fun. I am not a drinker, but, had a few beers, which I have never drank before, and, well, I gotta tell you, I hated it. Man, not only does it taste sour, you have to go to the bathroom quite frequently, there is the beer belches, and, well, I just did not enjoy the stuff. Everyone is like, it is an acquired taste. Yeah, well, you can have it; not for me... Not at all...

I must have walked at least 15 or more miles in the last two days, which, with my leg was touch and go, but, I did it~ And, I am happy to say that it did not cause any problems, plus, Lord knows, I needed it. So, from now on, I can get back to my daily walks. Yay! That makes me happier than you could know...

Alright, as I was saying, it is back to the groove. Time to get serious. Time to get down with it, and, get the ball rolling. Such is this time of year, and, while I know not why, this is what we do....



I previously posted an article about players of Pro Sports being held more accountable for their actions, like a character clause. Well, this brought about remarks, such as, "In the entertainment biz, they have no morals."

Alright, there are a lot of people who get rich too fast and lose their scruples, and, not much is going to change that. But, if they were held accountable for their behaviors, then, perhaps they would think twice about acting illegally, immorally, or stupidly. In the 'old' Hollywood and in Pro Sports if those who signed a contract acted in ways which would embarrass them, or cause scandal, they were let go. This was important as they had to abide by certain codes.

Making people accountable is not something new, nor is it preposterous. It is the foundation of society itself...

The thing which bothers me is that kids think that they can act and do the same as their heroes, and, if their hero is in trouble with the law, they are watching a role model being excused, and, impressively might be led to believe that if they become bad enough, they will escape the brunt of the law as well...

I am no angel believe me, I have had my downfalls in life, but, one thing which keeps cropping up is that I was always facing repercussions for my actions, and, it straightened me out.

Does anyone 'get' what I am referring to? Why is a matter of great humor to some that I say that those in power and affluence should be made to abide by rules of conduct and morality?


I was just sitting here, daydreaming, and, my thoughts turned to coal mines and miners, again....

Would it be so difficult for the world to demand that IF they are going to continue to mine for nasty coal, that at least the miners be supplied more effectively with survival equipment?

This is my idea: That as they are building shafts, and, in some of the existing ones, that they build in caches for emergency supplies, such as provisions, fresh water, and, some sort of oxygen. The thing with the oxygen is that it is combustible, but, surely, there is some way of placing it here and there safely. How do they do such on space shuttles and so forth? It is probably wrapped in some kind of material which could withstand extreme conditions.

Also, I think that each group who goes down, should be given tracking systems, radios,and, blankets, even those NASA blankets which fold up very small. As well as drills and maybe a jackhammer, that if they are trapped, they can at least have tools with which to work.

Each shaft should also be built with some sort of alternate tunnel or shaft, that there is more than one exit. I can hear many saying that would be dangerous to the mine itself, but, perhaps, having more shafts would lessen the burden weight wise, oxygen wise, to the whole of the mine?

It is clear to me that these men are not sufficiently provided for. There should be a demand made by the whole of the world, that these people are provided for, in every imaginable way, that they have greater chances of surviving disaster.

In my opinion, mine owners are side-stepping codes, avoiding expenditures, and, overall, not giving a damn about the human conditions of the mines. Therefore, it is time to institute greater and more enforced regulations and standards, which mine owners have to follow or be shut down, with pay to their employees.

This has been in my thoughts for some time, and, just thought I would relate....



It seems that our lives spin out of control for a while, and, then, they are like so quiet for a while. Perhaps that is balance...

Our society is way too busy! I know that it cannot be helped, or can it? Do we really need all the extra stimuli we seek?

Sometimes I am sure that I have taken on too much, but, I manage it all, so, have I really taken on too much? Well, that depends on various aspects of too much. If you can't sleep because of stimuli overload and excitement, if you don't eat right because you are too busy, if you have to be doing all these things instead of relaxing with friends or family or other, then, yes, you have probably taken on too much.

When we take on too much, we don't have time to notice the signs of fatigue, the decline of the body shape, the constant grinding of the teeth, or more, all of which lead to health problems in the near future. We are basically so caught up that we can't take time for ourselves...

Being busy and productive are good, if they are kept in check. We must also make time to unwind, to relax, to reflect, to meditate, and, to heal. Our bodies and minds heal with sleep and relaxation, therefore, both are imperative...

Time to prioritize and keep it healthy, for if your health fails, you won't be doing much, besides wishing that you had taken time to take care of yourself....



The things which make us really happy, are not things at all...

I like that saying. It is so true. That which makes us happy is the small gestures, people, love, sharing, compassion, friendship, a wholesomeness of affections from what goes on around us....

We like things, but, they cannot make us happy. Only living beings, which includes, plants, trees, the Earth, its many creatures, and, people can make us happy. Sometimes happiness is an indirect result of what others have experienced, still, happiness comes from all things living...

I have been awarded the 'Nice' Matters Award by Zehpyr 01 of Climate of our Future and, by Zubli Zainordin at Book Project .

This award was began by Bella Enchanted at Bella Enchanted . It has travelled far and wide lately, with many wonderful people receiving it...

Thank You, Zephyr and Zubli; I so appreciate the gesture and the kindness of... It is always nice to be regarded in some respect by your peers, and, this award, from these two particularly NICE people, means very much to me...

I have yet to decide the next round of the Nice Matters Award, but, I guarantee you that they will be more than worthy of receivership...



Death. A subject we avoid. A subject we detest. A subject which surely will come to pass...

We are not very accepting of death. We do not want to let go of life, and, we are even less willing to let go of those near to us...

It is a vicious cycle which we are born into. At least that is how most people view it. Still, it is the one surest aspect of this life; it is going to end!

I have attempted to bring my daughter up to accept death, especially my death, as, it is one of the hardest things to face; the loss of your parent. We had many discussions about life and death in our times, and, while I am sure that some of it has made it through, she is still not willing to accept that one day I will be gone. This is the only part of death which bothers me. That those we leave behind are so non accepting and therefore, so pained.

I do not like to see anyone suffering; not anyone, especially my own child. How can I teach her that it is not personal? How can I convince her that this too, is part of my existence, part of my purpose on Earth? How can I make her understand that in the matter of death, we have not one choice. We have to go; it is just what it is...

This is why it is so imperative to embrace life and the living. This is why it is imperative to spread and share all the love we have within. That when death arrives, we have the loving memories to warm us, guide us, and, fill us in our loneliest and most grieving hours... We must learn to grab onto the opportunities of the now that we have something to anchor us in the storms of loss...



I am telling you, this summer has been some of the craziest weather ever, for almost every state in the U. S.!!! Wow!

According to some Nostradamus predicted this weather and the century with almost exact accuracy... Scary, hmmm? I am yet confused about such people as him, however, being a bit of a 'seer' myself, I can relate, but, he was really something...

It is said that if you allow your soul to live in the world, that is if you free up your soul to live in your life, that it will lead you to amazing results. It seems that we have been taught that our 'soul' is for the afterlife, or some such nonsense. Without a soul, we have no real life, therefore, should we not allow our soul the same freedom which we have been allowed? But how?

Now, this is really tricky, and, it goes back to our conscious and subconscious mind sets. It seems that our soul is the deepest of the subconscious, only because we do not recognize its ability or agility in life as we know it.

Still, we can recognize souls; we say to people you have a beautiful soul, we say you are an ancient soul, and, other such. Where did that come from? We must recognize the soul to some degree, eh?

This is a really deep, but interesting subject, and, I am going to be searching for some light on it. It is fascinating and it would serve great purpose if we could free our very soul, which in turn would lead us to great heights, here on Earth. If it can be done, as they say, why would I wish to quell its power???



Wow! This blog has been awarded the Silver "Recommended Read" by Climate of our Future aka as Zephyr 01! That anyone would find this new site interesting enough to grant an award is amazing, but, she has bestowed that honor on me, and, I gratefully accept...

This award, and, several others are being brought to us by, The Painted Veil aka Shinade, and by Book Project aka Zubli... Accordingly they have designated themselves as a jury to spread this and other awards through the blogosphere, namely The Gold, The Silver, and, The Opal Awards of excellence.

It seems that the Silver Award is passed onto two readers of the chosen one's liking. The Gold and The Opal Awards are granted only by Shinade or Zubli, as these are awards of the highest merit, and, few will be awarded...

My choice of the Silver Recommended Read goes to: Polliwog's Pond and to, Comedy Plus . Each of these blogs are well read, well contented, and, are more than deserving of this fine award...

Thank you again, dear Zephyr, I appreciate the encouragement and the love...
To those selected, link back to Shinade or to Book Project . You may also want to check out Climate of our Future as Zephyr has done such a wonderful post outlaying this award and its structure....



If I can help anyone, anywhere, on any given day, then, I am in turn, helping myself. For real and true and actual love can only be experienced through releasing that love, and, giving what you can to the world as a whole...

Where I might not be able to donate money to a cause, I can donate my heart, mind, and, body. I can be active still, and, when I can, I will donate money.

People seem to put a price tag on giving. Giving is from the internal, it should not be measured from the external.

I have given from my heart since I was young. It is my nature, and, I so do love to give. I never expect anything in return, for I am rewarded with the love of God, who inspires in me the need to spread and share His love...



As of today, I am on vacation! Last vacation of the summer... Woohoo!

I am excited to be on vacation again, even though it is a stay near the homestead type of vacation. I will be taking in some sights and going to a few places here and there. And, hopefully, weather permitting, lots of sunning...

Take care everyone, blessings to all. Will be stopping in now and again. Until later, peace...



Music, almost any kind of music... Yeah, baby! I love music like few who exist. Music is my alternate source of life. It can be the touching hands which calm me, or the foot which can kick start me. Music is the ultimate high for me...

I graduated with vocal awards. I love to sing. But, I cannot sing anymore, well, I can, but, no one wants to hear it... Ha! Too much life took my voice with it... Long, long story, but, it is true; too much living robbed me of my agile voice...

When I was young, I could not get enough of music. I would rather listen to music than most other things. Life was good when music was blasting out its hypnotic beat and melodies for me...

Many of my friends are and always have been musicians. Musicians are a breed of different souls. Keyboard/vocal musicians are like, way different than say, guitar players or drummers. Did you know that most drummers cannot dance? How odd is that? They are the pulse of music and off the drums they have no real rhythm. Of course, that leads me to another instance about musicians: many of them do not listen to much music when they are not practicing or playing. Hmmmm, I was really blown away by this, though, as a few told me, when they are not playing, it is down time. Of course, there are many who do listen to music, party, and, get down with it, but, I am speaking of those who do not...

I have a difficult time being anywhere where there is no music. I need it. Especially if you go to a party. How could you throw a party with no music? I was at one in July, and, it was difficult to maintain and to keep my mouth shut. Usually I am very open with my queries, but, this time, managed to keep it to myself. It is just very strange to me; very strange...

I know one thing, I am going to learn the piano before I leave this Earth. I started to learn when I was in Middle School, but, it was boring to sit there and try to do what the teacher required of me. I was not ready. Now I am. I have really small hands, and, it was difficult to reach all the chords, but, now, I will teach myself in a way where I can overcome that problem...

One of my favorite voices of all time is Dennis De Young of Styx. Oh Lord, what a range, what power, what feeling, what diversity lives in his throat. Another is Steve Perry, who like me, lived too much, and, lost most of his voice... There are like thousands of people who make me melt with their sound or their voices, and, none is better than the rest, though, each is unique, which is what inspires me to have an open ear for all kinds of music. Of course, there are those types of music I can do without, such as cultural music (although it is an important music, I just can't take much of it), but, for the most part, I love music, almost any kind of music, and, I just can't imagine life without it...



We have the responsibility to make the Earth safe once again, not only for our generation, but, for future generations. How difficult can this be to grasp? How can we not consider it in our daily lives? How much damage has to be done before we truly step up to the plate???

It is human nature to be self-assured and assuming. We feel that life will take care of itself, and, while that is partly true, it is not wholly true. If it were, we would not be facing the issues of the day; such as the oceans warming up and the life therein being forced to go out of their natural habitat or worse, there would not be as many catastrophic storms, there would not be people dying of asthma, black lung, radiation poisoning, or cancers related to the environment. There would be no change, except for the better, in wildlife, plants, trees, and, the very ground we depend on for food. I just did an article about magnesium deficiency, and, it stated that since the 1960's the dirt in which our food is grown is 210% less magnesium rich, and, that people are suffering because of it... So, you see, life does not easily or readily take care of itself. We are the only hope, and, we have to face this NOW, not tomorrow, but NOW!!!!



Each person alive should take notice of this statement. The 11Th hour is real and it is accelerating at a fast rate... At least, that is what is being said...

I am ecologically inclined. I believe very much that we have a huge responsibility to the Earth and all of its many facets. We were given this responsibility, which in the beginning of time, seems to have been practiced, but, which eventually, through time has diminished...

Selfishness, ignorance, disdain, and, outright disregard; along with capitalistic ideals, have put our lovely planet Earth in dire circumstances. The experts are saying that if we don't change our outlook and our habits, we are facing extreme conditions here on this planet we call home...

Is there enough time to change our habits? Is there enough time to save the very existence of life as we know it now? That is debatable, to a large degree....

I believe that as with the body, that all externals can be rectified and healed. However, it will take the WHOLE of society to make this happen. Every person, every country, and, every government will have to participate in the changing of the overall global demise... It will have to be general habit, strictly monitored and enforced, by the entire world, in order to change the direction in which we are heading...

Governments are not inclined to feel much about global warming, ecology, or any other form of caring for the Earth. They care about money, political standing, war, and other such trivial pursuits... It will take the masses of society to bend the minds of the governments of the world. There will have to be a massive outcry to make them aware of the necessity to enforce safe and practical sources for energy... Yes, it will take a lot of noise to be heard!!!

Environmental, ecological, and, energy refinement should be taught in schools. Every child should have an education in what the Earth will become if we do not do something now. Each household should participate in saving the planet, in any way in which they might. Every manufacturer should have to adhere to Earth friendly products and practices. Even if this were to make the prices rise, it would be worth the cost...

Earth-friendly advocates are gaining ground, their strides are being observed; as they exploit the foul practices of the governments, businesses, and, other players of the capitalistic clans.... People are watching as the oceans change, as the wildlife suffers, as the fields of plenty become barren memories, because these advocates have acquired more accessibility to the media, and, their visions are being viewed. Hopefully, this will continue to spur accountability by each of us, that one day we can sit in comfort and say, "Whew, we were able to correct the demise of life itself, because we came to our senses and cared enough to make a global effort!" Wouldn't that be nice?

Yes, it is true, the 11Th hour is upon is, gaining momentum as we go about our lives. And still, it is true that if it became a global effort, we could change that rather easily... Such is my dream and I am sticking to it... Peace and consciousness to all....



I am so upset about all of the mining tragedies throughout the world. The one in China which was filled with water, the one in West Virginia, and, now, in Utah...

I cannot figure out why these people are not given tracking devices. Someone told me that it might not work from that far beneath the Earth, but, I say, hey, they can send a signal to and from Mars in 3 seconds flat, but, they cannot make a safety tracker for these people whose jobs are extremely dangerous in more ways than one? What does that say about caring for employees or people for that matter?

Coal is dangerous to the environment and to remove it all from the Earth is also dangerous. The Earth needs the carbide from coal for various reasons. I cannot believe after all of these centuries of mining it, that it has not been eliminated entirely...

Miner owners really bother me. It is like these poor people who take on this kind of work are expendable. I do not like that attitude from any employer, and, when someones life is on the line, day after day, I like it even less...

It is all about money, of course. Still, if you were really worried about money, you would be using some of that money to ensure that there would be no tragedy, which will end up costing you in more ways than one... Mines should be better built, better maintained, better monitored, and, they should have the highest safety measures in place, both in congressional and public terms...

I feel that there are measures which could be taken to prevent loss of life in this venue. Of course, no one will listen to me, still, I have the urge to speak of it.

Miners also suffer from respiratory dangers, which could be more safeguarded as well. I understand from a business man's point of view about expenditures, but, from a human point of view, you would think that respect of another persons life would be foremost...

My heart goes out to these people and their families. May God be with them, and, may they be rescued. They are drilling as I write this, and, I am hopeful, but, it has been maybe one too many days...



Some people are so good at doing and accomplishing things, even though the odds are against them. They should be documented, that those of us who are not met with these kind of odds might learn how to go forth...

I am talking about people who have disabilities, such as blindness, deafness, disfigurement, and, all the other kinds of hindrances which could ruin a life.

I am so moved when I see someone with a disadvantage making strides. I am proud of them, happy for them, and, sad for myself. Sad for myself because I can't figure out how they do it, when I can barely get where I need to be, let alone excel...

I find it hard to believe that there are not volumes dedicated to these souls who have mastered the hardships of life to arise to levels which most of us cannot fathom. It would be so inspiring to read about ordinary people with major obstacles, who overcame them to make a name for themselves, wouldn't it?

We do have stories about some such people, but, they were talented genius'. Of course, there was Helen Keller, but, I want to hear from some ordinary folk who have gone beyond ordinary heights...

Anyway, I am simply wondering how these people find the strength, courage, and, resources to do the wonderful things they have done. I need some insight and inspiration, and, wish I knew their secret...



I just read an interesting article in FIRST magazine. It is about 'courage characters', and, I would like to share this with you...

It seems that certain celebs such as Ellen DeGeneres and Beyonce' Knowles have a evil twin-a alter ego who does what they cannot do. They are aggressive, fearless, confident, strong, and, full of sass. Ellen's is named Sabrina, and, Beyonce's is named Sasha. Ha! I want one!

According to the PH.D, Cathy Greenburg, alter egos are an ideal way to expand into territory that feels new or uncomfortable. The best part; since alter egos are something you 'put on', it is also easy to leave behind....

Now, this is interesting because I have noticed web sites and communities which have adopted this as a theme. It is interesting because, deep inside, we all have a good and bad persona. We can interchange any time we like, but, fear from social acceptance leaves us usually leaving the evil one behind; but, if we could tap into it for resourcefulness, and, then put it back into its depths, it could be useful; think?

In a way, it is like when we were children: many of us had invisible friends, which probably was an alter ego. So, it would be like tapping into your inner child, only this time using them with purpose.... I find it fascinating...

Many people on the 'Net are using their alter egos. It is easy to detect, more than they realize. It is , however, effective and working for some of them. For others, they are not convincing enough, either due to lack of belief on their own part, or inexperience... What ever the case may be, there are lots of alter egos gracing the pages of the webs, and, some are diabolical enough to be making it...



The world in which we live is good. It can be bad, but, it will yet be good. Have you ever noticed that even in the bad, there is always good to be found? The sun is shining. There is a silver lining....

We cling to the drama and trauma of life. Why? It serves no purpose other than to darken the moments, hours and days... The bad of life is for lessons learned and for letting go of. We cannot avoid the bad, it will come upon us, no matter what we do to prevent it. Taking from it what might be learned and setting it free like a bird to the sky is the best we can do with the bad which comes our way....

This is coming from a woman who has a massive amount of bad come into her life; from the time she was born until this very moment in time. I seem to have a magnet which attracts the bad, and, even though I have learned that life is good, and, have acquired some wisdom's about life, I am yet visited by bad frequently. Of course, the bad of the past was much worse than the bad of today, but, still it is here, taunting me. Perhaps it is my calling to suffer the bad and send out messages of good? Who knows?

I do know that I am stronger from the bad which has been in my life. I am smarter, kinder, more patient, more understanding, more compassionate and caring, more loving, and, certainly, more enabled to handle crisis...

When bad things happen, think of all the beauty in your life. Count your blessings, even laugh at your bad luck. I do. Sometimes it is hilarious at how much bad luck I have. I am like 20 cats of 9 lives each... Ha! I call myself lyndalittleluck, but, you know, despite ill-fate, I believe that life is great! I love and live like I have the world by the axis. I am defiant in the face of drama and trauma; it ain't never gonna take me down!



Suffering, so much suffering go on... Everywhere we turn, disaster, pain, hunger, poverty, and, suffering...

This is an essential part of life. I know that it should not be, and, it breaks my heart all the time, still, it is a part of the character building principles of life. We could not grow without pain or suffering. It just could not be, as, we would not know the difference between pleasure and pain... Follow me?

Yes, it really does hurt. It hurts us all to witness the kind of suffering which lives in the world, but, just as I believe we are caretakers of the Earth, I believe we are to care for one another as well...

That is why, from the beginning until now, it has been taught that 10% of your income should be delegated to those who need it. It has been proven time and again, that those who do so, do reap big benefits from doing so. People should care for others, even if you haven't got much yourself, you should still give something.

You should give when you can with money, and, if you can't give money, you can give your services. Even the smallest act of kindness is giving back to life....



If you look up to the sky in the night, you will see amazing things. The blackness, the constellations, and, much more...

This should always be a reminder of our place in life. We are but a speck in the whole...

We should care for this wonderful and gorgeous planet which is our home. It is unbelievably beautiful and holds so many wondrous things. We are the caretakers of this star of the Universe, and, it is so sad that we do not understand our role here.

It is good that certain people have made it their life mission to stir up concern and guilt in the rest of us concerning the state of our Earth. We have neglected our responsibility, partly in ignorance and partly in defiant selfishness. We never stop to think that one day, it could be the end, due to our own negligence...

It has been said that many people do not believe that they could possibly make a difference. That is exactly why we are in this predicament. If people were taught from childhood that their own role in life is to conserve and preserve the Earth, there would be a much different attitude and approach to life...

We are the caretakers of this planet. We are responsible for the care of the Earths layers, waters, trees, air, animals, and, should embrace this thought every day. We are able to save what has transpired. It will not occur overnight, it might take decades, but, if every person alive were to make a conscious effort to care for the future of the Earth, it would at least be better from here on out...

This has been a thought from someone who cares about the whole of the Earth... Won't you join the thousands like me who care and find out what you might do to contribute in some small way to save our planet???



I wonder sometimes about many things... Ha! Don't we all?

I find it utterly fascinating that they can send a signal to Mars in 3 seconds, but, it can take up to 5 minutes to get approved for a credit card purchase. I think it is silly that we get so many pre-approved applications, but, when we actually apply, we are denied. What a waste of paper...

Did you know that shower gels and body washes can take up to 4 years to finally degrade? Wouldn't you assume that they are biodegradable? Interesting.

Isn't it ironic that in our need for cleanliness, we are harming our bodies, internally and externally, as well as the air, the land and the waters? Simply astounding, isn't it?

Everyone seems so concerned about the state of ecology in the world, still so few make the necessary adjustments. Human nature...

I find it hilarious that we spend so much time debating the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that we are literally losing ground with the whole premise of the war. Politicians are so educated and so short sighted, excuse me, stupid. Just because someone has a degree in law or economics, or some other such area of expertise, does not mean that they are intelligent enough to govern a country. I bet you that some of the farmers of the least scholastic achievement could figure out how to run this country much better, as they are honed in common sense...

What is up with people who sit with the remote control in their hands, like constantly, and, flip through the channels constantly? They never really decide on anything, they just flick and flick and flick. Every cable provider has installed menus from which you can take a look at what is on; it is available that you can then decide what to watch. I wonder if these paddle pressers are lost in their thoughts and use the paddle to navigate through the thought process.

People entertain me constantly. I try to never judge, but, I certainly have many a laugh at some of the things which come forth of them, and, that includes myself. We are prone to making fun of people, that is not why I am humored; rather, I am humored by the fact that as highly intelligent as we are, we are yet basic and fallible as hell. We are graceful and clumsy. Smooth and edgy. Sweet and sour. Right and wrong. Good and bad. Intelligent and very stupid. Strong and weak. Confident and insecure. We are fifty/fifty and we never know when the wrong half is going to make an appearance, but, one thing we can count on is that it will usually be when we don't want it to happen, right in front of someone else.... Ha! What a life~~~



So, what is your exercise routine? Is it any good? Or do you even attempt to exercise?

Did you know that some actors and actresses maintain a routine of exercising for at least 6 hours a day? Isn't that a bit excessive? Wow~ I would rather be a bit out of shape than to work that hard at maintaining.

I do not believe that you could possibly need that much exercise. All of the fitness experts pretty much agree that 3 times a week, an hour or two of various exercises will whip you in shape. So, what is up with the excess?

I used to exercise every day. It was like a part of my life. Things change and so did I. I am trying to find some reasoning for why someone would spend 6 hours a day exercising. It must be like an obsession. Oh well, it is not for me to determine, still, I am confused...

I thought that excessive working out leaves you with less benefits. I can relate to running, jogging, aerobics, crunches, walking, or what have you, each day, but, really, 6 hours???

I have had some setbacks physically, lately, which put a damper on my exercise routine. Now I am getting better, I am slowly working back into some resemblance of a routine. I have been walking to rebuild my stamina before I apply any strain to the leg which was injured. It is amazing how quickly muscle tone deteriorates when you are laid up, and, it is even more amazing at how strenuous any activity seems afterwards.

So, for now, walking, some crunches, stretches, and, such will have to be the basis of my routine, until I have redeveloped my stamina. But, as they say, every little bit helps, and, if you are moving, you are improving...



I am very into health matters. I read, listen, study, and, learn all I can absorb about health and fitness...

I eat relatively well, am very conscious of what goes into my body, and, so forth. I have just discovered that I do not eat enough. This is very bad for the body. I am not hungry enough to eat more, and, I am lost about how to incorporate more calories, and, protein into my diet without having to eat all the time.

The thing about not eating enough calories, is that your body goes into starvation mode and stores fat, which means you couldn't lose a pound if you exercised all day long. I had been wondering why I was having such trouble, and, 2 fitness experts, and a nutritionist each told me what the problem is....

So, if you are like me, and, do not feel hungry enough to eat the required amount of food per day, stay with me as I attempt to uncover ways to meet the daily requirement.

I also read from a leading fitness instructor that if you are in starvation mode, you will need to kick up your calorie intake for a while until the body restores itself, and, then, cut back. I have heard that 1,400 to 1,600 calories is required for people such as myself, although, a nutritionist told me that it is more like 1,800 to 2,000...

That seems like a lot of food to me. But, I can see the necessity for it. You cannot burn calories if you are not taking enough in. Makes perfect sense, but, who knew?

I know I have to do something. I need to lose at least 10 lbs. and, it is not happening no matter what I do. In coming posts, I will reveal my efforts to find ways to fulfill my calorie intake without feeling overfed... This should be interesting and useful for many of us...


I need a site for the many aspects of my personality, so, mishmash and mirage are suitable as a title.

Here within, will be a wide range of subject matter from apprehension to zoology. Sometimes you just need to write about various things without being bound to one subject matter.

Fitness and health and mystery and intrigue, all will find a blend in this blog.

I hope you will enjoy the scope of my curious nature, and, the determination of my strong will to find answers. I long to uncover things which my thoughts cannot easily understand, and, I am always learning, seeking, and, discovering new things along the course of my days...