

It is a world of wonder. Whether that wonder stems from good events or bad, we are always filled with wonder, and, this is what inspires us on a daily basis...

The fires raging along California's coast line; such tragedy, and, now they are probing to see if they are arson related. My friend asked me why someone would do such a thing, as if I know, but, I don't. All I can assume is that if someone did such a thing, they are miserable and want those around them to be miserable too...

Each year there is mass destruction due to wildfires. I am sure that there are no solutions as, how can one plan for something such as this, however, you would think, that there would stem some newer and more effective technology to fight such fires, and, that in itself would save billions of dollars, though the new technology would be expensive at the on-set, if it saved lives, property, and, time, wouldn't that balance the costs? Just me thinking again...

And the beat goes on, on, on, on and on....

When we are faced with such natural or unnatural disasters, the whole country pays for it, in many ways. Food costs, shipping, building materials, and, a wide scope of other products are raised in price to make up for the damage and loss. It is a vicious cycle, which we are not likely to ever see the end of. Still, with some applied common sense and preventative planning, it would seem that, as intelligent and resourceful as we are, that we could resource some of the burden from such disasters...

To those in CA, of which I know some well, God be with you. Stay upwind and be careful. I will be praying for you and yours and those who have been hit the hardest. The nation comes as one in times such as this, and, I am sure that millions of voices have been raised to the Heavens on your behalf. Take care and blessings...

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