

The world. A world of beauty. A world of problems. A world of people. A world of dissension. A world of complacency. A world of shutting out the harsh realities which live before us....

World war, world hunger, world homelessness, world plagues, world diseases, world hatred, world jealousy, world of one, world of worry...

Are we not taught that the world is our responsibility in every facet of caring for it? That includes from the dirt to the ozone layer protecting this Earth, and, everything in between.

Have people become so self-inclined that complacency rules the world supreme? Or is it lack of belief that something might be done if we made an accumulated effort?

It is not just the air, the water, the land, the trees, the birds, the fish, the insects, the animals, or the other components to life sustained, it is everything! Everything in this world needs care. Care, lots of care.

It can begin with one, many things before have.... Please, do your part and take up some cause concerning the world, contribute to the care of the world, else soon, there might not be a world at all...

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