

Some people are so good at doing and accomplishing things, even though the odds are against them. They should be documented, that those of us who are not met with these kind of odds might learn how to go forth...

I am talking about people who have disabilities, such as blindness, deafness, disfigurement, and, all the other kinds of hindrances which could ruin a life.

I am so moved when I see someone with a disadvantage making strides. I am proud of them, happy for them, and, sad for myself. Sad for myself because I can't figure out how they do it, when I can barely get where I need to be, let alone excel...

I find it hard to believe that there are not volumes dedicated to these souls who have mastered the hardships of life to arise to levels which most of us cannot fathom. It would be so inspiring to read about ordinary people with major obstacles, who overcame them to make a name for themselves, wouldn't it?

We do have stories about some such people, but, they were talented genius'. Of course, there was Helen Keller, but, I want to hear from some ordinary folk who have gone beyond ordinary heights...

Anyway, I am simply wondering how these people find the strength, courage, and, resources to do the wonderful things they have done. I need some insight and inspiration, and, wish I knew their secret...

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