

I wonder sometimes about many things... Ha! Don't we all?

I find it utterly fascinating that they can send a signal to Mars in 3 seconds, but, it can take up to 5 minutes to get approved for a credit card purchase. I think it is silly that we get so many pre-approved applications, but, when we actually apply, we are denied. What a waste of paper...

Did you know that shower gels and body washes can take up to 4 years to finally degrade? Wouldn't you assume that they are biodegradable? Interesting.

Isn't it ironic that in our need for cleanliness, we are harming our bodies, internally and externally, as well as the air, the land and the waters? Simply astounding, isn't it?

Everyone seems so concerned about the state of ecology in the world, still so few make the necessary adjustments. Human nature...

I find it hilarious that we spend so much time debating the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that we are literally losing ground with the whole premise of the war. Politicians are so educated and so short sighted, excuse me, stupid. Just because someone has a degree in law or economics, or some other such area of expertise, does not mean that they are intelligent enough to govern a country. I bet you that some of the farmers of the least scholastic achievement could figure out how to run this country much better, as they are honed in common sense...

What is up with people who sit with the remote control in their hands, like constantly, and, flip through the channels constantly? They never really decide on anything, they just flick and flick and flick. Every cable provider has installed menus from which you can take a look at what is on; it is available that you can then decide what to watch. I wonder if these paddle pressers are lost in their thoughts and use the paddle to navigate through the thought process.

People entertain me constantly. I try to never judge, but, I certainly have many a laugh at some of the things which come forth of them, and, that includes myself. We are prone to making fun of people, that is not why I am humored; rather, I am humored by the fact that as highly intelligent as we are, we are yet basic and fallible as hell. We are graceful and clumsy. Smooth and edgy. Sweet and sour. Right and wrong. Good and bad. Intelligent and very stupid. Strong and weak. Confident and insecure. We are fifty/fifty and we never know when the wrong half is going to make an appearance, but, one thing we can count on is that it will usually be when we don't want it to happen, right in front of someone else.... Ha! What a life~~~



So, what is your exercise routine? Is it any good? Or do you even attempt to exercise?

Did you know that some actors and actresses maintain a routine of exercising for at least 6 hours a day? Isn't that a bit excessive? Wow~ I would rather be a bit out of shape than to work that hard at maintaining.

I do not believe that you could possibly need that much exercise. All of the fitness experts pretty much agree that 3 times a week, an hour or two of various exercises will whip you in shape. So, what is up with the excess?

I used to exercise every day. It was like a part of my life. Things change and so did I. I am trying to find some reasoning for why someone would spend 6 hours a day exercising. It must be like an obsession. Oh well, it is not for me to determine, still, I am confused...

I thought that excessive working out leaves you with less benefits. I can relate to running, jogging, aerobics, crunches, walking, or what have you, each day, but, really, 6 hours???

I have had some setbacks physically, lately, which put a damper on my exercise routine. Now I am getting better, I am slowly working back into some resemblance of a routine. I have been walking to rebuild my stamina before I apply any strain to the leg which was injured. It is amazing how quickly muscle tone deteriorates when you are laid up, and, it is even more amazing at how strenuous any activity seems afterwards.

So, for now, walking, some crunches, stretches, and, such will have to be the basis of my routine, until I have redeveloped my stamina. But, as they say, every little bit helps, and, if you are moving, you are improving...



I am very into health matters. I read, listen, study, and, learn all I can absorb about health and fitness...

I eat relatively well, am very conscious of what goes into my body, and, so forth. I have just discovered that I do not eat enough. This is very bad for the body. I am not hungry enough to eat more, and, I am lost about how to incorporate more calories, and, protein into my diet without having to eat all the time.

The thing about not eating enough calories, is that your body goes into starvation mode and stores fat, which means you couldn't lose a pound if you exercised all day long. I had been wondering why I was having such trouble, and, 2 fitness experts, and a nutritionist each told me what the problem is....

So, if you are like me, and, do not feel hungry enough to eat the required amount of food per day, stay with me as I attempt to uncover ways to meet the daily requirement.

I also read from a leading fitness instructor that if you are in starvation mode, you will need to kick up your calorie intake for a while until the body restores itself, and, then, cut back. I have heard that 1,400 to 1,600 calories is required for people such as myself, although, a nutritionist told me that it is more like 1,800 to 2,000...

That seems like a lot of food to me. But, I can see the necessity for it. You cannot burn calories if you are not taking enough in. Makes perfect sense, but, who knew?

I know I have to do something. I need to lose at least 10 lbs. and, it is not happening no matter what I do. In coming posts, I will reveal my efforts to find ways to fulfill my calorie intake without feeling overfed... This should be interesting and useful for many of us...


I need a site for the many aspects of my personality, so, mishmash and mirage are suitable as a title.

Here within, will be a wide range of subject matter from apprehension to zoology. Sometimes you just need to write about various things without being bound to one subject matter.

Fitness and health and mystery and intrigue, all will find a blend in this blog.

I hope you will enjoy the scope of my curious nature, and, the determination of my strong will to find answers. I long to uncover things which my thoughts cannot easily understand, and, I am always learning, seeking, and, discovering new things along the course of my days...