

Do we think or act with responsible consciousness when it comes to caring for the Earth, the mother of mankind's birth?

Did you know that ordinary shower gel takes four years to disintegrate, and, while it is going through that process it changes elements which come into contact with it? Who knew?

Partly, we are ignorant. We trust developers of products and manufactures way too much. We figure that if they sell something that it should be alright to use. That, sadly, is not the case. Could we demand that more responsibility be placed on these who make and develop products? We could, but, it would take a hell of a lot of legislation to make it happen, which means tons of pressure from the citizens of the world....

Partly, we are complacent in our worries about the Earth. We do not place much concern in our daily lives of our responsibility in caring for the Earth. We do not take our complacency as a serious matter, and, we do not seem to care to know what we can do to make sure life prevails as ecologically balanced as feasible.

Partly, we feel helpless. We are lost when we do stop to consider all of the damage done by mankind. We feel that there is not much we can to do to correct the existing problems. We are lost in the magnitude of the damage done over time...

It begins with one. It does not matter if you are educated or not, if you are powerful or not, if you are connected or not, if you are resourced or not... It takes one to make change. With one there is the element of example. There is the resonating of a thought process being enacted. With one there is a rumble being heard. With one there is the idea that it will continue gaining momentum as that singular action becomes noticed by others...

Yes, correcting or contribution to the ecological environment of the Earth begins with one: will it be you???

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