

It is a world of wonder. Whether that wonder stems from good events or bad, we are always filled with wonder, and, this is what inspires us on a daily basis...

The fires raging along California's coast line; such tragedy, and, now they are probing to see if they are arson related. My friend asked me why someone would do such a thing, as if I know, but, I don't. All I can assume is that if someone did such a thing, they are miserable and want those around them to be miserable too...

Each year there is mass destruction due to wildfires. I am sure that there are no solutions as, how can one plan for something such as this, however, you would think, that there would stem some newer and more effective technology to fight such fires, and, that in itself would save billions of dollars, though the new technology would be expensive at the on-set, if it saved lives, property, and, time, wouldn't that balance the costs? Just me thinking again...

And the beat goes on, on, on, on and on....

When we are faced with such natural or unnatural disasters, the whole country pays for it, in many ways. Food costs, shipping, building materials, and, a wide scope of other products are raised in price to make up for the damage and loss. It is a vicious cycle, which we are not likely to ever see the end of. Still, with some applied common sense and preventative planning, it would seem that, as intelligent and resourceful as we are, that we could resource some of the burden from such disasters...

To those in CA, of which I know some well, God be with you. Stay upwind and be careful. I will be praying for you and yours and those who have been hit the hardest. The nation comes as one in times such as this, and, I am sure that millions of voices have been raised to the Heavens on your behalf. Take care and blessings...



Do we think or act with responsible consciousness when it comes to caring for the Earth, the mother of mankind's birth?

Did you know that ordinary shower gel takes four years to disintegrate, and, while it is going through that process it changes elements which come into contact with it? Who knew?

Partly, we are ignorant. We trust developers of products and manufactures way too much. We figure that if they sell something that it should be alright to use. That, sadly, is not the case. Could we demand that more responsibility be placed on these who make and develop products? We could, but, it would take a hell of a lot of legislation to make it happen, which means tons of pressure from the citizens of the world....

Partly, we are complacent in our worries about the Earth. We do not place much concern in our daily lives of our responsibility in caring for the Earth. We do not take our complacency as a serious matter, and, we do not seem to care to know what we can do to make sure life prevails as ecologically balanced as feasible.

Partly, we feel helpless. We are lost when we do stop to consider all of the damage done by mankind. We feel that there is not much we can to do to correct the existing problems. We are lost in the magnitude of the damage done over time...

It begins with one. It does not matter if you are educated or not, if you are powerful or not, if you are connected or not, if you are resourced or not... It takes one to make change. With one there is the element of example. There is the resonating of a thought process being enacted. With one there is a rumble being heard. With one there is the idea that it will continue gaining momentum as that singular action becomes noticed by others...

Yes, correcting or contribution to the ecological environment of the Earth begins with one: will it be you???



You know I am fascinated with the world, but, I have to tell you, I am tired of the news of modern times. It is just too much negative for me to handle. There are so many people going berserk and some of them are just way too young to be experiencing this kind of demise...

Like the young Deputy in WI who killed his ex-girlfriend and her friends. Lord, he is only 20 years old... I know that life is tough, I have had one of the toughest life's ever known, but, you can survive all of the pain, you can arise above the terribleness, you can overcome the worst of life; I am living proof...

I wish that I could reach these kinds of people before they make such huge mistakes, before they lose themselves to despair. It bothers me for it is unlikely that I could ever reach such people, and, if I could they might see that life can be revised; all you have to do is to forget that which brings you down and move on...

I have a friend whose brother committed suicide over his wife. I cannot tell you how that tore my friend apart. It is selfishness when people take the easy way out and they never consider those left behind to bear the weight of their weakness...

I am a very positive person. I taught myself this trait. It is not easy to do, but, it is necessary, otherwise, it is too easy to get lost in the negativity of life, and, that can lead to many kinds of demise...

Sad that we have to listen to and watch as so many people have lost hope or strength to arise from their predicaments. So very sad...



No matter where we go, no matter what we do, are we ever safe?

Has the world gone mad from all the ecological imbalance?

Has history ever known so many types of demise?

We have to be careful at home, when we leave our home, on the Computer, even with our mail... We have predators, cons, users, abusers, thieves, murders, rapists, stalkers, and we have hackers. None of the above really deserve the object of discussion other than in sheer frustration, especially hackers...

Hackers are like, extremely disturbing creatures. For one thing, they are invisible behind the matrix, and, can mask like no other predator on the Earth can do. While they are not invincible, they are the toughest of the tough to deter, if you can even detect them before it is too late. They are without doubt, unscrupulous, dastardly perpetrators...

We have enough in our lives to worry about, do we really need to have such as them to worry about as well? If there are so many 'puter geniuses in the world, why can't some of them come up with a way to prevent hackers from infiltrating lives and businesses? It would seem that perhaps some of them are the very people who are ever improving our systems... Think about it; it would only make sense that they are programmers, designers, IT experts, and other such. It seems incredibly unlikely that they would just be regular people who are so skilled that they can play cat and mouse with the most gifted of Computer specialists, doesn't it?

I don't have any answers but, I sure hope that some genius out there has enough compassion for the people who use the World Web to do something about it...



Autumn... Beautiful and different from the spring and summer, leading us to winter. Ah, winter, you are not my favorite, but, I can relate to your necessity of refreshing the Earths bed, that soil and plants might flourish quickly upon your slow departure...

So far, it has been a beautiful fall. The weather is almost perfect, and, it is above normal temps for this time of year, with plenty of sunshine for us to enjoy. The nights have been cool, but, starlit, and, the trees are taking their time changing their colors before they bare themselves to the harshness of winter... Ah, winter, with its winds so cold and brisk, I do not understand why you insist that the trees be bare in your presence...

Fields dry of their abundance, a golden scene from the e-way, pumpkin patches, gourds, hay bales and stalks, all gracing the otherwise drabness which was just a few weeks ago green with life...

Halloween lurks in the minds of many as they plan their scary day and night. Much ado for one night of ghouls and creepy objects, which entice the very young to the very old. Parties, costumes, bagging, and, lots of goodies take the place of playing outside until the sun sets, which was close to 10 and is now close to 8...

Apples, apple pies, apple cider, apple mills, caramelised apples, and, apple bobbing all make for healthy and tasty treats as we trade in the fresh produce of summers fare. Throughout America, you will smell the scent of apples being made into many different things, and, being canned for the winter months, which takes from us the plenty of the summer days...

Football, hockey, and the World Series will be the weekends star. Families will root for their team, be it a school team or a professional team, it is all part of the autumn lifestyle, which replaces the boating, fishing, camping, beaching, Frisbee, and, other fun sports of the summer, which doesn't last long enough...

Autumn... I see now that I have recalled each of the things which make up this season (Oops, I forgot Thanksgiving), that it is a season full of fun and activity, and, that while it is not warm season enjoyment, it might be even better, for it is a season of wholesomeness and that is always a welcomed and blessed thing...



"Out of sight, out of mind". This is one of the most perplexing human traits I have stumbled upon, and, I really don't get it....

People can tell you how much they like you, love you, admire you, and, if you are not around for a while, they have forgotten about you, or they place you on the back burner and act like strangers when you talk with them or see them again.... What is up with this?

I could never treat people like this. Of course there are those who have gone away for some time who were not so great to know in the first place, whom I would be less than warm with if I saw them, but, I am talking about people who made an impression or touched us. How could we not be the same with them as before?

I just don't get it. I have witnessed it all too much, either personally or in observation, and, it is confusing. I have asked people, "I thought you liked that person?" They will say, "Oh I do, but, they haven't been around in a while, and, well, you know how it is..." Actually, no, I do not know how it is, please, someone explain it to me. If I care about someone, I care about them always, unless they have created a problem, and, even then, I still care about them. Might not hang out with them but surely will yet care...

I hope one day I find the answer to this question as it really bugs me...