

Our planet Earth has undergone some radical changes over the past 5 years, and, according to scientists, this is normal, still, many of the changes are really not normal. The amount of earthquakes throughout the world is one such abnormality, and, I still believe that the amount of bombings due to war and for testing purposes has a hand in this. How could it not? How many bombs can you explode in the sea and on land without there be reverberations? It is only logical, and, with the massive bombings of the past years in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is likely to be damage to the Earth, from deep within...

Since North Korea tested their bombs in the ocean, we have had tsunamis and tremors in many parts of the world. The ocean is not designed to withstand such madness as bombs. Our own military uses the ocean for many types of testing, and, all in all, this affects the very life in the sea, and, the seas bed...

What the answer might be is simple to people like me; don't detonate any more bombs. Of course, they will always do what they feel is necessary without considering what could be creating ecological disaster....

It is a shame that we feel the need to have weapons of mass destruction. That seems against the very purpose of life itself, yet, those in power will argue that if they don't do it, some other country will. What if it were deemed illegal for ALL countries to have weapons of mass destruction? What would happen? Would we be any less safe, or would we ultimately, including the Earth itself, be safer? I think that we would be safer, for if there were no weapons of mass destruction, there would not be such power games or gains.

What we need is a World Order. An Order which respects first, the Earth and its helpless inhabitants, and, secondly, the very basis and continuance of life for all humans...

Massive amounts of bombings affect the Earths very balance, as well as the air, the soil, and, the waters. You can only explode so many bombs before their aftermath aggravates the rhythm of life itself...

I am aware that those in power do not care what damage they are creating, and, that they will adamantly deny any responsibility in such, but, they need to come to some understanding of the short and long term affects of bombing, be it for testing or for defense itself. I know, I am dreaming, at best being wishful, but, if the World as a whole demanded that such practices cease, perhaps they would have to desist...

Perhaps the voice of the World, unified, might make a difference in the politics of tomorrow; it would certainly be worth consideration, as, if we continue to practice such, there might not be much of a tomorrow...

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