

Are we ready for some football? Here we are 4Th week into a new season of the NFL~ Do you know where your spouse is? Ha!

I love football, and, watch a fair amount of it, but, guys, well, they are glued to the set. You could start a fire, dance through it nekked and they wouldn't notice you at all, unless it affected their direct alignment with the screen. It is hilarious how into it they get.

Millions of women call themselves Football Widows; actually they should call themselves Sports Widows as, soon it will be Hockey, Basketball, and, whatever other sports they can fit in the weekend. But, that is fine, for, you know where to find them all season long, right?

Football should be a family affair to an extent, but, I can relate to why women don't want to sit in the same room with their men when a game is on, as, it is like you are either not there, or, you are intruding on some sacred ground woman... So, if you feel less than welcome, there are lots of ways to get lost. Of course, that would mean that he wouldn't be able to smell that wonderful aroma of Sunday dinner coming out of the kitchen, so, chances are, he will want you to be home, just in another area of the house... Ha!

If you have a large house, you could invite all the women in the 'hood over for the afternoon, but, if you don't have a big enough house to drown out your feminine voices or laughter, he will balk at this as well... Oh, and for sure, make sure the children are occupied, unless they are male and of a certain age to where they can 'get' into the game in a proper manner...No wonder so many women hate sports; it isn't the game itself, but, the ridiculous stipulations that come from the man of the house when sports are on... Whats a girl to do?



There are so many starving animals in the world, and, right outside my door, there are lots of precious kitty cats who were abandoned and left to survive, here in the city...

I give them food as often as possible, but, the neighbors are angry with me for doing so. I can't stand to see them with their bones showing and their bodies dragging along, it breaks my heart.

They have it set up in this city that if you call about removing them, it costs you money, plus, they meet a nasty fate, of which I am not going to play party to.

I used to know someone who had a pet shop, and, all of the exotic animals and reptiles which were not bought, would be released to live in the wild. Things like alligators and such would be taken to the river and left to fend for themselves in an environment of which they have no knowledge of. This is craziness...

Why people take on pets which they cannot care for, or decide not to care for pisses me off. They are left to fend for themselves in areas where it is not easy for them to do so. Sad...

There has to be some way to stop this madness. There has to be some resolution besides letting them die or putting them down. It is just so heart wrenching. They are basically helpless, especially when they have been domesticated, for even the shortest time. We are caretakers of the Earth and of all its inhabitants, so why have we allowed such to happen?



Michael Vick just continues to blow himself away.... Now he has been proven positive for cocaine in his system by the NFL, wonder how much worse he can make it for himself?

Will this affect his criminal trial? It will won't it? They dig into every aspect of your life, especially when they want you to go down for some time. What was he thinking?

He makes this sincere apology to all the youth who look up to him, he admits that he needs to grow up, and, less than a month later, he tests positive for cocaine usage.... Interesting development.

Suicide attempts, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, and much worse coming from the icons of America. Sends a great message throughout the world, think?



And so the little big man (Ahmadinejad) came and spoke at the prestigious University of Columbia, amidst protests outside the University, as well as near the UN, and disdain from our own National leaders.

And he lied. Outright lied to these prestigious youth of Columbia University. Especially when he said that there are no gays in his country, and, that the women of his country have more rights than the women of America.

I have studied some of his country's information. It is a country rampant with heroin addiction, HIV, gays, and prostitutes. I did some research for one of my earlier blogs, and, read reports filed by a husband and wife team of Doctors in Iran who are fighting the above inflictions in their society, sometimes for free. So, it seems that he is trying to play the same kind of games as Saddam with his my country is pure crap.

Many men and women of position throughout America were appalled that he was allowed to speak at the U of Columbia, and, that he was given attention by the UN. It is amazing to most of us. What is interesting is that he would not grant the same respects to most of us.

He looked a bit nervous and contrite, I would say, and, that is good, as it means that he felt the intense disdain which most of us feel for him and his practices...

Oh yeah, someone told me that he has been murdering anyone who is gay in his country, and, that is perhaps why he has the balls to stand there and say there are no gays in his ranks... Ha! The little big guy with the power to lie...


So, the Iranian President Ahmadinejad is coming to America? A speaking engagement at the University of Columbia, eh? Interesting...
I understand that he wanted to visit Ground Zero while in NYC but they refused him the right to do so; that is also very interesting, indeed...

Iran's anti-Israel leader has declared that he has no need for nuclear weapons? That is extremely interesting. That could signal that Russia has agreed to cover them if need be in the event of a war... It could signal many things, but, I would be inclined to think that Russia has a hand in this, as they have a hand in everything these days; the country who is racing to become the Supreme State of all States...

Ahmadinejad, Putin, and Chavez, as well as the North Korean leaders, and, perhaps, even Germany, China, and, Lord knows who else are conspiring. That is my gut feeling and reaction to their recent dealings.

The three alone are a danger to life as we know it; each are diabolical and Putin is extremely regarded for his ability to get the job done. He has brought great advances to the Russian State by selling and buying, wheeling and dealing with our known adversaries. It is frightening, and, it should be alarming to the Western World as well...

Russia is setting up a weapons factory in Venezuela for Chavez. This weapons factory will manufacture and supply all communist countries with the Russian AK-103 assault rifles. The decision to do so came after the U. S. put a ban on selling weapons Caracas, stating that Chavez is not cooperative in combating terrorism.

Also, interesting to note, Iran is operating oil refineries in Venezuela. So, you see, there has been some great preliminary meditation going into the efforts to strengthen the bonds between Russia and our adversaries...

Ah well, what can we do? We sit here and ponder, muse, and, fret, but, what can we do? If it were in our hands, there would not be such dealings happening, think? All we can do is hope that our leaders are less greedy and more astute than they appear... If not, we are in big trouble not far down the line, which we had plenty of time to resolve, but, did not...



So, OJ Simpson has finally been corralled? Or has he? Do you think that because the memorabilia agent recorded everything, that there will be some kind of legal loophole here?

Personally, I believe that the Feds themselves arranged the whole thing. I think that they wanted him off the streets so badly that they set him up big time. Which worked, but, it is kind of scary too...

I don't know what to make of Simpson. He seems a bit mental to me. He has been acting out some very strange roles since he allegedly killed his wife and Ron Goldman. Such things as dealing drugs, stolen goods, and, many other things which he has almost been busted for, but, managed to remain clear of....

He seems bent on being in the spotlight, he seems bent on being the bad guy; like he is getting a thrill out of it or something. I honestly believe that he has mental illness and that after his wife's murder it came into full light.

I find it difficult to understand why older people throw their lives to the wind with careless, reckless lifestyles which get them nothing but time in the worst sense... You know that someone in prison is going to attempt to do him in, don't you? He probably thinks that he will be a hero in the joint, and, he will be for some, but, there will be someone who wants to take him down, and, that could very well be a set-up as well...

He has gotten away with more than most people could, which indicates that he is well connected, but, those days are soon to be gone. He will spend the rest of his life behind bars bragging about his 'days' as the icon... It is a shame, but, I wonder if he is finally getting what he deserves? I have never formed an opinion of his guilt or innocence in the murder of his wife and Ron Goldman because I find it hard to believe that someone could commit such gruesome acts and then function in the real world, however, given his actions in past few years, I have to admit that his mentality is telling the whole story....



I am so busy this week, that I feel like this, which is in effect the g-force of moving too fast... Ha! This pic just cracks me up. The things we do when we are bored, or thinking too much! I know I have done some things which were like, totally off the wall, but, I guess that they are good for the spirit like anything else... I hope he doesn't do this often, as it will permanently stretch that delicate skin...

Whatever it takes to make it through the trying days, I say... We need to always remember to relax, take it easy, take a load off, meditate, laugh, and, enjoy, even when it seems that life is moving at a rate of impossible speed. In doing so, we allow the system to find a level of balance, which more than serves us in the long haul...

Remember when you were young, and, everyone tried to fold their eyelids inside out, or you tried desperately to touch the tip of your nose with your tongue, or tied your shoes together to see how far you could walk like that? These were all distractions, they were funny, light, and, helped to alleviate boredom, routine, and, challenges. If we could still find that kind of child's play in our every day lives, we would be better for the wear.

Some of us have friends who are yet children, who yet do goofy stuff which make us laugh and lighten up. I am one of the those kind of goofy people, especially in serious settings, I just can't help myself, I am serious, I cannot help myself, there is something about the over seriousness which just makes me want to act up, and, it has never changed, and, perhaps, never will...

Well, I am off to relax and unwind. I hope that tomorrow is one of fun and sun... All too soon, it will be cold and dreary, and, I am not looking forward to that at all...



I am fascinated by space. I missed my calling, should have been an astronomer, an archaeologist, and, a meteorologist... Ha!

This photo is of clusters colliding in deep space. The blue represents dark matter, which shows how clusters distort light from more distant galaxies.

The red represents very hot gases, a form of normal matter. Theory holds that dark matter and normal matter attracts the same gravitationally, and, so should be distributed evenly.

Individual galaxies are represented by yellowish or white lights. In this particular shot it is unsettling to the astronomers studying this, that there appears to be few visible galaxies present where the dark matter exists. This could be that the galaxies themselves are experiencing gravitational slingshots within themselves, or, it could be that the dark matter is colliding within itself without gravitational pull which has never been witnessed before.

See, how interesting is the study of such? It amazes me that we can pinpoint galaxies, stars, clusters, collisions, gases, matter, stars, and much more, combined with mathematical brilliance we are able to determine many things such as distance, temperatures, gas makeup, velocity, speed, sound, and, other things which are just phenomenally improbable to common man. So fascinating, so interesting, and, certainly so beautiful is the study of space and its inner workings...



Our planet Earth has undergone some radical changes over the past 5 years, and, according to scientists, this is normal, still, many of the changes are really not normal. The amount of earthquakes throughout the world is one such abnormality, and, I still believe that the amount of bombings due to war and for testing purposes has a hand in this. How could it not? How many bombs can you explode in the sea and on land without there be reverberations? It is only logical, and, with the massive bombings of the past years in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is likely to be damage to the Earth, from deep within...

Since North Korea tested their bombs in the ocean, we have had tsunamis and tremors in many parts of the world. The ocean is not designed to withstand such madness as bombs. Our own military uses the ocean for many types of testing, and, all in all, this affects the very life in the sea, and, the seas bed...

What the answer might be is simple to people like me; don't detonate any more bombs. Of course, they will always do what they feel is necessary without considering what could be creating ecological disaster....

It is a shame that we feel the need to have weapons of mass destruction. That seems against the very purpose of life itself, yet, those in power will argue that if they don't do it, some other country will. What if it were deemed illegal for ALL countries to have weapons of mass destruction? What would happen? Would we be any less safe, or would we ultimately, including the Earth itself, be safer? I think that we would be safer, for if there were no weapons of mass destruction, there would not be such power games or gains.

What we need is a World Order. An Order which respects first, the Earth and its helpless inhabitants, and, secondly, the very basis and continuance of life for all humans...

Massive amounts of bombings affect the Earths very balance, as well as the air, the soil, and, the waters. You can only explode so many bombs before their aftermath aggravates the rhythm of life itself...

I am aware that those in power do not care what damage they are creating, and, that they will adamantly deny any responsibility in such, but, they need to come to some understanding of the short and long term affects of bombing, be it for testing or for defense itself. I know, I am dreaming, at best being wishful, but, if the World as a whole demanded that such practices cease, perhaps they would have to desist...

Perhaps the voice of the World, unified, might make a difference in the politics of tomorrow; it would certainly be worth consideration, as, if we continue to practice such, there might not be much of a tomorrow...



As we walk through our time on Earth, there is much to see, hear, feel, experience, and, to do. We are not just here for the time being, we are here to leave our footprints upon the sands of life. We are here to leave a legacy, regardless of the level of impact it seems that we have made...

It should be taught from early on that we should develop that we can leave a legacy of merit and substance. Without knowing about such, by the time we catch on, our legacy could lack or it might be incomplete. That is not to say that we should live to leave a legacy, it is to say that we should live in such a way that our legacy is memorable, one of information and wisdom that someone else might learn or pattern their life after ours. We should be an example for others to see. We should have some special substance for others to remark upon after we are gone...

It took me years to realize that reputation is imperative to life. You cannot go through life with a bad reputation and expect to make it. Well, there are those who make it with a tainted reputation, but, they are not making it the way they could be... Notice I did not say should be; that is not for anyone else to decide; it is an individual choice, I merely mention this as some of the ones who live through their time with bad reputations have so much more to offer the world, and, they have neglected to see that someone might have benefited from the good side of them. Though still, someone might benefit from their bad selves in deciding that this is not the way to go...

My life began on a bad track. It was my birth right. I followed that track for a while until I saw that it was not productive, nor was it the kind of heritage that I deserved, or wanted. I changed my path real quick, learning love of self and love of the world. Since that time I have made it my mission to spread the knowledge learned along the many avenues of the streets from whence I came, and, to spread the love of God, myself, and, the love of love itself...

Life in the streets is many, many things, but, healthy is not one of them. There are so many dark elements out there on the streets, and, having been a child of the streets was not a good thing. Or was it? Did I not learn from the darkness? Did I not learn from the coldness, the boldness, the outright wickedness? Did I not learn the meaning of love from lack of it? Did I not understand that this was not what life was intended to be? Did I not find that the practices of street life are demeaning and damaging to the body, mind, and soul? Did I not arise with vision, purpose, integrity, respect, and, love to walk in the way of the righteous? Did I not learn to fore go prejudice and bias because of my lessons out there? Did I not grow into a fully functioning, responsible and caring, compassionate woman?

Yes, to all of the above. But, I was fortunate to be able to see through the darkness, I was given the vision of the light. No one saved me, God and myself saved me. Anyone else could have cared less if I lived there forever, and, that is fine, for that is how it was, but, not how it is now...

Remember, all you do in life is part of your legacy. It is important that you care what kind of message you wish to leave those who will notice that you are no longer of this life on Earth. Be aware of all that you give, and, take not of those who do not wish to give or share...



I have always prided myself on being well organized. That seems to be a forgotten trait these days. I am so disorganized with almost everything in my life. While my house is kept clean, the rest of my life is in utter chaos. Now, I am sure that everyone experiences this at times, but, it is hurting my brain...

I have lost track of so many URLs pertaining to opportunities, affiliate programs, information, and, even of contacts; yes, I have let it get that far behind. I can barely keep up with my inbox, it is so overloaded, and, it is a timely endeavor to sort and save. I know that there are ways to have this done for you, but, honestly, I can't find much time for that either...

I have ongoing business plans, they are in 3 areas of my home, that if I need to jot something down or refresh my mind, they are there. This causes some disorientation as well; why do I have this scattered here and there?

How do we handle and organize all of our passwords and such? It is phenomenal how many we acquire quickly, day by day, week by week, month by month, and, with everything else we have going on, it is easy to ignore keeping it in order...

What about all the communities and such that we belong to? Do we really have time to participate in all the ones we join? Not me, and, I am going to rectify that this weekend, if I can remember through all the clutter of my mind from overload... Ha!

So, I guess it is high time that I get back into some normalcy around here, get all of my information filed properly, that the mess not soak up my creative juices any longer... Anyone know what I am talking about here???



What is important to you? Over all, what is the most important thing in life to you?

If someone had asked me that a while ago, I would have had to search for an answer, because I would have had multiple answers, but, now, it comes down to this; love and health...

Without love, I am nothing; I am not speaking of romantic love, I am speaking of
internal/external/eternal love. Without my health, I cannot do that which I love to do and that involves love; love of the world.

Most of my goals are love inspired and oriented. Love is my driving force, my motivation, and, my light in the dark.

With my health, I can better achieve that which I desire to do. That is not to say that in failing health I could not, but, it would for sure, be much more of a challenge.

Sometimes we have no choice in matters of health. Something can creep up out of nowhere, no matter how fit or healthy you are, so, I know for sure that health is paramount to achieving most things. Of course, with the challenge of ill-health or a health related disability, we are often able to overcome and rise to the occasion as well, still, all in all, we would Rather have good health along the way...

Life is so short that we must concentrate on the things which are most important to us, while we can, that there be no regrets, and, that we live up to our full potential...



The world. A world of beauty. A world of problems. A world of people. A world of dissension. A world of complacency. A world of shutting out the harsh realities which live before us....

World war, world hunger, world homelessness, world plagues, world diseases, world hatred, world jealousy, world of one, world of worry...

Are we not taught that the world is our responsibility in every facet of caring for it? That includes from the dirt to the ozone layer protecting this Earth, and, everything in between.

Have people become so self-inclined that complacency rules the world supreme? Or is it lack of belief that something might be done if we made an accumulated effort?

It is not just the air, the water, the land, the trees, the birds, the fish, the insects, the animals, or the other components to life sustained, it is everything! Everything in this world needs care. Care, lots of care.

It can begin with one, many things before have.... Please, do your part and take up some cause concerning the world, contribute to the care of the world, else soon, there might not be a world at all...



I hope everyone had a great Holiday weekend, and, that everyone is ready to get back into the groove. Hard as it is, this is the time of the year to get into all we have to do...

I had a great weekend. Had lots of fun! I went to a festival where they have over 500 bands spanning over the weekend. There are arts from around the world, crafts, boutiques, business booths, jewelry craftsmen, and much more. Food, oh my, so much food. It is quite the celebration.

I heard some great bands. One in particular was a band called The Surrogate Band. They play ALL Pink Floyd music, and, they were very, very good. Such difficult music to reproduce, yet, they did it with such precision, I was amazed. They were just young men, and, wow!, they captured the essence of the Floyd with remarkable ease...

There was another interesting band called the MacPodz. Now, these guys were hot. They played like jazz with a disco, reggae, and, electronic edge; they were phenomenal. I loved them~ Such energy, and again, precision... Excellent~

I went out Saturday night and heard a band which was very good also. Had lots of fun. I am not a drinker, but, had a few beers, which I have never drank before, and, well, I gotta tell you, I hated it. Man, not only does it taste sour, you have to go to the bathroom quite frequently, there is the beer belches, and, well, I just did not enjoy the stuff. Everyone is like, it is an acquired taste. Yeah, well, you can have it; not for me... Not at all...

I must have walked at least 15 or more miles in the last two days, which, with my leg was touch and go, but, I did it~ And, I am happy to say that it did not cause any problems, plus, Lord knows, I needed it. So, from now on, I can get back to my daily walks. Yay! That makes me happier than you could know...

Alright, as I was saying, it is back to the groove. Time to get serious. Time to get down with it, and, get the ball rolling. Such is this time of year, and, while I know not why, this is what we do....