

The world in which we live is good. It can be bad, but, it will yet be good. Have you ever noticed that even in the bad, there is always good to be found? The sun is shining. There is a silver lining....

We cling to the drama and trauma of life. Why? It serves no purpose other than to darken the moments, hours and days... The bad of life is for lessons learned and for letting go of. We cannot avoid the bad, it will come upon us, no matter what we do to prevent it. Taking from it what might be learned and setting it free like a bird to the sky is the best we can do with the bad which comes our way....

This is coming from a woman who has a massive amount of bad come into her life; from the time she was born until this very moment in time. I seem to have a magnet which attracts the bad, and, even though I have learned that life is good, and, have acquired some wisdom's about life, I am yet visited by bad frequently. Of course, the bad of the past was much worse than the bad of today, but, still it is here, taunting me. Perhaps it is my calling to suffer the bad and send out messages of good? Who knows?

I do know that I am stronger from the bad which has been in my life. I am smarter, kinder, more patient, more understanding, more compassionate and caring, more loving, and, certainly, more enabled to handle crisis...

When bad things happen, think of all the beauty in your life. Count your blessings, even laugh at your bad luck. I do. Sometimes it is hilarious at how much bad luck I have. I am like 20 cats of 9 lives each... Ha! I call myself lyndalittleluck, but, you know, despite ill-fate, I believe that life is great! I love and live like I have the world by the axis. I am defiant in the face of drama and trauma; it ain't never gonna take me down!

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