Each person alive should take notice of this statement. The 11Th hour is real and it is accelerating at a fast rate... At least, that is what is being said...
I am ecologically inclined. I believe very much that we have a huge responsibility to the Earth and all of its many facets. We were given this responsibility, which in the beginning of time, seems to have been practiced, but, which eventually, through time has diminished...
Selfishness, ignorance, disdain, and, outright disregard; along with capitalistic ideals, have put our lovely planet Earth in dire circumstances. The experts are saying that if we don't change our outlook and our habits, we are facing extreme conditions here on this planet we call home...
Is there enough time to change our habits? Is there enough time to save the very existence of life as we know it now? That is debatable, to a large degree....
I believe that as with the body, that all externals can be rectified and healed. However, it will take the WHOLE of society to make this happen. Every person, every country, and, every government will have to participate in the changing of the overall global demise... It will have to be general habit, strictly monitored and enforced, by the entire world, in order to change the direction in which we are heading...
Governments are not inclined to feel much about global warming, ecology, or any other form of caring for the Earth. They care about money, political standing, war, and other such trivial pursuits... It will take the masses of society to bend the minds of the governments of the world. There will have to be a massive outcry to make them aware of the necessity to enforce safe and practical sources for energy... Yes, it will take a lot of noise to be heard!!!
Environmental, ecological, and, energy refinement should be taught in schools. Every child should have an education in what the Earth will become if we do not do something now. Each household should participate in saving the planet, in any way in which they might. Every manufacturer should have to adhere to Earth friendly products and practices. Even if this were to make the prices rise, it would be worth the cost...
Earth-friendly advocates are gaining ground, their strides are being observed; as they exploit the foul practices of the governments, businesses, and, other players of the capitalistic clans.... People are watching as the oceans change, as the wildlife suffers, as the fields of plenty become barren memories, because these advocates have acquired more accessibility to the media, and, their visions are being viewed. Hopefully, this will continue to spur accountability by each of us, that one day we can sit in comfort and say, "Whew, we were able to correct the demise of life itself, because we came to our senses and cared enough to make a global effort!" Wouldn't that be nice?
Yes, it is true, the 11Th hour is upon is, gaining momentum as we go about our lives. And still, it is true that if it became a global effort, we could change that rather easily... Such is my dream and I am sticking to it... Peace and consciousness to all....